The software company knowis AG in Regensburg has received the certifications ISO 27001 and ISO/IEC 20243/OTTPS. With these certifications, the company strengthens data protection and information security as well as security in software development as fundamental corporate values. An important step that further builds the trust of customers and partners in the products and services of knowis.
As a leading provider of software solutions for various industries and a specialist in delivering cloud-based solutions, knowis is well aware of the importance of data security in today's digital world. One way for companies to effectively protect and manage their customer and business data is to implement an information security management system and certify it according to international standards.
After an intensive preparation period and an audit by an independent certification authority, knowis AG has successfully implemented the certification according to ISO 27001 and received the corresponding certificate. ISO 27001 ensures that knowis has established an appropriate information security management system to protect the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information. This includes all aspects of information security management, such as risk management, controls, and monitoring.
The Open Trusted Technology Provider™ is an Open Group* standard also known as ISO/IEC 20243/OTTPS. This standard establishes control requirements for software development and provides best practices for organizations that develop, sell, or operate software. The Open Trusted Technology Provider™ Standard (O-TTPS) Certification Program confirms that knowis has implemented a secure framework for its software product to minimize security vulnerabilities and ensure that software is developed in a protected environment.
By receiving these certifications, knowis confirms its ability to maintain the highest standards in information security and secure software development and to protect its customer and business data now and in the future. "The ISO 27001 and ISO/IEC 20243 certifications are proof that we take our responsibility to our customers and partners seriously and are willing to improve our information security practices on a regular basis. This creates an even deeper relationship of trust," Stefan Engl, CEO and CFO of knowis AG, emphasizes.
*The Open Group Certification Mark and Open Trusted Technology Provider are trademarks and The Open Group is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
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