Johannes Boßle
Chief Technology Officer
- Cross browser optimized - FF, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Opera
- Fully Responsive design - perfect on any device
- Multi-language ready - everything in our modules is translatable
- Retina image support for high-density pixel displays
- Flexible - Customize font and color scheme to fit your brand
- Great documentation - good for new or legacy users
- Professional support - we love what we do and who we do it for
- Many header- / footer-layouts and loads of easy-to-use modules
This is Johannes
Johannes is responsible for establishing the technological vision at knowis and leads the technological innovation and development.
He is interested in modern architectures and pioneering technologies in the software environment – especially with regard to their use in complex, distributed (cloud) systems.
Learn more about Johannes
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"The corporate climate is characterized by openness and a willingness to help [...] there is a very personal atmosphere among the staff, which makes knowis a very familiar place. At lunch, everyone is present, from the working student to the CEO [...]"
Marika AuhuberSen. Business Development Manager