
knowis Blog

The blog about digital transformation,

the knowis platform and knowis AG

ESG: What Banks Can Expect due to the Sustainability Criteria

Environmental, social and corporate governance: For financial institutions, the ESG approach means much more than just a green image. Almost all banks already report on ESG-relevant issues. This is giving rise to new requirements that are unlikely to be met without digital support.
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Business Solutions in Banking: Simplifying and Accelerating the Pricing Process

In the current issue of our series Business Solutions in Banking, we show you how pricing can be implemented into the loan application and approval process without the need for switching between systems. A banking platform allows you to digitalize loan processes and integrate existing pricing solutions seamlessly.
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Business Solutions in Banking: Gaining Customer-Centric Insights

The customer as the center of banking solutions: A challenge if the processing of data is not sufficiently supported by the system. In this part of our series, we show how no-compromise customer-centric business applications can be created with a banking platform.
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Business Solutions in Banking: Reliable Monitoring of Covenants

Monitoring covenants often entails time-consuming and costly manual follow-up activities. In this first article of our series 'Business Solutions in Banking', we outline how the monitoring of covenants can be implemented both rapidly and securely in a modern business application on a banking platform.
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Break Down Silos in the Back Office With a Banking Platform

Over the years, in the banking world, not only have operational silos emerged but also, technological standalone solutions. These block the path to modernization, especially in the back office. The motto for financial institutions is therefore: make complexity manageable and reduce it.
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Cost Reduction Through Digital Transformation of the Back Office

In times of low interest rates and increased competition, cost reduction for banks is the order of the day. Automation alone is not enough when it comes to effectively reduce costs. Especially in the back office, holistic digitization measures promise lower costs and investment in the future at the same time.
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The Pandemic Impacts Credit Margins: This Is How Banks Can Prepare Now

Due to the Corona crisis, factors such as loan defaults will have an impact on the tense profitability of financial institutions; this will primarily affect banks' portfolio management. A consistent adjustment of the digital agenda will be crucial to best deal with this situation.
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How Banks Can Reduce Credit Risks After the Coronavirus crisis

The major challenge for banks in times of Corona: Important decisions must be made despite a high degree of uncertainty. There are many dependencies that cannot be influenced. What does this mean for financial institutions and which lessons can be learned from past crises?
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How COVID-19 Accelerates the Digital Transformation of Financial Services

Having taken hold of daily life worldwide, the Coronavirus has pulverized almost all economic forecasts within weeks. Now it is important to keep a clear mind and purposefully navigate through these uncertain times. Banks must and can contribute significantly to overcoming this global economic crisis.
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How Can Credit Processes Be Successfully Transferred into the Digital Age?

Sustainable digital change must question existing processes, technologies and business models. To give you an overview of the factors influencing a digitization project in the credit sector, we have published a new expert page – Credit. Digital.
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The Role of Business Domains in Digital Banking

In digitalization projects within the lending business, complex relationships and dependencies need to be mapped in the system. At the same time, the system must be flexible to respond to any future requirements. Success in both areas is ensured by the use of modular components for business domains.
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The Customers' Demands on the Finance Sector Have Changed: This Is What Banks Have to Expect

Clients' demands on services in the financial sector have changed dramatically in recent years. Increasing digitalization in all areas of life has also given rise to new expectations of financial service providers.
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